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The Butts Primary School

Our School Day

8.40 - Doors Open

8.50 - Morning Registration

10.40 -10.55 - Morning Break

12.00 - 1.00pm - Lunchtime

1.00pm - Afternoon Registration

3.15pm - School Day ends

This amounts to a total of 32.08 hours per week.

We want to care for your child and see that he or she is properly supervised whilst in school. Children should not arrive before 8.40 a.m. or stay later than 3.15 pm unless they are attending breakfast club, after school club or extra-curricular activities organised by the school, although we do ask you to ensure that your child is collected promptly after such activities.

Although registration for the beginning of school takes place at 8.50am, children are invited into class from 8.40 am onwards to settle to early morning tasks. We aim to develop the children’s independence, and request that parents do not accompany them into the cloakroom or classroom, unless seeing the class teacher very briefly for a particular reason.

When collecting your child at the end of the school day please wait outside the classrooms or on the playground. Your child will be dismissed by the teacher so that we can ensure that he/she is accounted for and that letters and items to be taken home are distributed. Classes will not normally be dismissed earlier than 3.15 pm except in special circumstances (e.g. concerts, sports day) where you will be informed and asked to see the class teacher in order to sign out your child. Older children may walk home alone providing the school has received written authorisation from parents in advance.

Parents are not permitted to use the school car parks, as space is very limited and it increases the risk of accident or incident. Arrangements can be made, on request at the school office, for disabled drivers. Please park considerately in the vicinity of the school by not obstructing paths or driveways.